Bob and Melissa

Friday, September 29, 2006

These pictures of the house are for Dan and Jo. They show the recent painting we did in the kitchen and two of the bathrooms. They also show the Hutch were my china is stored and the corner cabinet, where the mini tea sets are.

Sept. 2006- We visited Dan, Jo, and Isaac in Tacoma, WA. We had a wonderful time. Dan and Jo are awesome friends and they are great hosts. We thank them for a great time and the great company they are. We visited a few places in Seattle, including the space needle, Pike's Market, and the science fiction museum and hall of fame. They also planned a two day trip to Canada for all of us. While in Canada we had a tea at the Empress Hotel, visited the Butchart Gardens, went whale watching, and did a little shopping. Isaac is so cute and he was an absolute angel the entire time. He is a trooper! We loved spending time with Dan, Jo, and Isaac. Thanks guys, we love you! We can't wait to go back.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Rewind on Summer 2006-
It is hard to beleive the summer is over and it is now September 2006. Looking back on the summer of 2006, I realized I have done many things and had a lot of good times. To mention all the fun trips, including Vegas, Jamaica, Lake Geneva with the girls, and the many trips boating with Keith and Becky to Lake Geneva and Green Lake Wisconsin (Thanks guys for providing us with your boat, camper, and company, & sorry about the prop!). The many boating trips made Bob and I realize how much we want a boat. Next to a car, that will probably our next big purchase, unless something unexpected is thrown at us. With summer gone comes another fall and another Halloween for the little one. All though I will miss the summer, we will look forward to the rest of 2006. As if we have not filled the year with enough trips, we leave for another long weekend on another in just two days. We are so excited to visit our friends Dan and Jo Solverson and their Son Isaac. He is so cute and I can wait to see him and spend time with them. Isaac has got to be one of the cutest baby when he cracks up and giggles. Bob and I are so excited to be visiting them in Tacoma, WA. While up there we will visit Seattle and Victoria, Canada. We are greatful to have friends like them and we can't wait to take part in the activities they have planned for us while visiting. Summer is not officially over until we get back from our trip to Washington. I guess the ending to this summer makes for looking forward to next summer; and of course, the wedding of Mark and Rebecca, in which we are both very excited to stand up in. I can not wait!
Another girls trip! This time to Lake Geneva in late July 2006. There were six of us (first group picture from left to right- Michon, Kaisa, Kate, Anne, Jennie, and Melissa) who stayed in the hotel room owned by Jennie's mom. We had a great time. We went out to a bar called "Hogs and Kisses", laid out at the beach, and hung out in the room and played cranium. All the pictures are from our visit to "Hogs and Kisses". We had a great time dancing at the bar! Can't wait for the next girls trip.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Summer 2006- We can't beleive McKenna is growing up so fast. she will be two years old in a couple of weeks. Kenna spent weekends in the summer with us while mommy worked. We shopped, played outside, and swam occasionally. Kenna is a BIG little helper and she loves to help with yardwork and laundry. She had fun helping "unci" finish the edging blocks in the front yard. Kenna is Our little "genius". She knows her numbers, colors, and ABC's, she can even tell us what the letters and numbers are when shown, and she remembers everything you tell her! I feel like she is in Kindergarten at 2!

Girls trip!- Melissa visited Vegas in April 2006 with three of her girlfriends. They had a great time and plan to go on many more girls trips. They had fun at the pool, experienced the oxygen bar (aromatheraphy air treatments and heat massages), and went to Pure and Tao (2 nightclubs). Don't forget that when girls get together, they do a lot of shopping! Vegas was a blast.

JAMAICA- May 2006. Jamaica was awesome! We went to an all-inclusive resort that had a circus theme. The circus theme allowed us to try the rock climbing wall and me a trapeze. Both are harder than they look. The beaches are nice and the water does not have any unusual smell. The Jamaicans are extremely nice and they know haw to make drinks! Bob allowed us to bury him in the sand. we also took a boat ride to the luminous lagoon (the glowing lagoon), took a safari, and climbed Dunn's River Falls. I would highly recommend visiting Jamaica. It is very interesting to see home the Jamaicans live their lives. We plan to go back in June 2007.

Jamaica-Round 2