Bob and Melissa

Sunday, January 06, 2008

New Year's Eve 2007- Isles of Capri, FL
Bob and i had the opportunity to go to Florida for new year's eve. We stayed in Scott's parent's condo in Isles of Capri, FL (Naples). Other than the weather being the coldest it had been in 17 years, we had a great time. The weather was warmer than the temperatures back in IL (0, -13 windchill). We did a lot of shopping, met Kelly's aunt and uncle for dinner, and visited a few bars on Marco Island. The guys also had the opportunity to golf and fish off of the dock. It is a very beautiful and quiet place and we can not wait to go back! Thanks Scott and Kelly for asking us to go along. Thanks Gary and Patty for lending us the condo!


December 2007- I just felt like taking a picture of the house decorated for Christmas. It is hard to see some of the blue lights in the picture. Also, I had to capture a picture of Kenna and Bob playing light brite. McKenna also discovered she could fit inside the new ottoman. I could not get her to stop playing with it. i was afraid she would break it!

Bob's 10 year reunion- November 2007- We attended Bob's 10 year high school reunion. It was a wonderful opportunity to see Dan and Jo Solverson, visiting from Washington, and Dave Kress and Shelley, visiting from Vegas. We also had the opportunity to see and visit with old friends that we have not seen in awhile. Shelley- Girls trip withdrawal!

Heather's wedding- 10/27/07- Heather is a friend from NIU and we attended her wedding in the end of October. It was a very nice opportunity for all of the NIU girls to get back together for a night of fun.

Halloween 2007- Miss social bug. Kenna was a "little stinker". That was the caption on the butt of her skunk costume and it fits her perfectly. She was most concerned with socializing and did not care about the treats or the candy. We love our niece!